Lines and Bridges

Short Film produced in partnership with the SIHF

Lines and Bridges is a compelling short film that serves as the centerpiece of the Lifebridge community healthcare campaign, sponsored by the Southern Illinois Hospital Foundation. As the producer and casting director for this project, I played a pivotal role in bringing the film to life. I was responsible for every aspect of the casting process, which included initial research, outreach, casting calls, and pre-production. We carefully selected locals from East St. Louis to be featured in the film, ensuring that their stories were authentic and representative of the community. Our team had the privilege of leading the entire production process, which included the development of the film's look and feel, cinematography, and editing. We aimed to capture the essence of the community and portray its vibrant and diverse spirit in a compelling way, while emphasizing the importance of accessible and equitable healthcare. This project was a labor of love, and we're thrilled to have had the opportunity to collaborate with the Southern Illinois Hospital Foundation on such a meaningful initiative.